“Question description
Assignment 1In your own words write a summary of about 750 words that describes the pertinent aspects of the readings and lecture and how, in your opinion, things have or have not changed over the past few decades. Be sure to draw on specific ideas from the readings and lecture in your response, and use your own examples to elucidate your points. Try to make connections that might be common across all the readings, and use your reading notes to help frame your response.Assignment 2Drawing on the “”Things to think about when watching the film”” section in the film folder, write a roughly 750 word response to the film for this section. The specifics of your response are up to you, but you should try to draw together ideas discussed in the readings and the lectures and compare them to issues covered in the film. This is the link for the movie:. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByL2k9zzvwudVWtsWWo4eG80Z2c/view”